Di Zi Gui

The Chinese culture has been deeply influenced by Confucius a great Chinese teacher and educator. His influence extends throughout the world even today. Confucius believed that moral principles, virtues and discipline should be the very first lesson taught to a child, and that children need to practice them daily. Unlike modern-day parents who disapprove of physical punishment, ancient Chinese parents actually encouraged and thanked the teacher when their children were punished for misbehaving. It was most important to the ancient Chinese parents that their children learned moral principles and virtues first-before any other subjects, because without these as a foundation, the learning of all other subject would be futile. In ancient China, the purpose of going to school and studying was to prepare for becoming saints and sages, not to pave the way for fame or making a profit.

Di Zi Gui, in English, means standards for being a good student and child. It is the guide to a happy life. For thousand of years, this book contains the recommended standards for students. Even though they seem stringent by today’s standards, it is apparent that the people of that time felt it was important that the child should be well-disciplined and taught moral principles and virtues when still very young. They felt that without strict discipline and moral standards, a child would amount to noting. Not knowing what it meant to be dutiful to parents and respectful to teaches, a child would grow up not listening to or respecting anyone. Ironically today many parents listen to the child instead of the other way around. Additionally, teachers are afraid to teach and discipline children because they are fearful of violating the children’s legal rights and being sued by the parents.

Currently, we live in a tumultuous world where the relationship among people, between people and their environment, parents and children, husbands and wives, and employes and employees are disintegrating. Parents do not act like parents. Children do not act like children. Our minds and polluted and our family system is disintegrating,as evidenced by an ever-increasing divorce rate. Soon the planet Earth will no longer be  fit for us to live on. We are fearful for our future and the futures of our children. 

Di Zi Gui

The Chinese culture has been deeply influenced by Confucius a great Chinese teacher and educator. His influence extends throughout the world even today. Confucius believed that moral principles, virtues and discipline should be the very first lesson taught to a child, and that children need to practice them daily. Unlike modern-day parents who disapprove of physical punishment, ancient Chinese parents actually encouraged and thanked the teacher when their children were punished for misbehaving. It was most important to the ancient Chinese parents that their children learned moral principles and virtues first-before any other subjects, because without these as a foundation, the learning of all other subject would be futile. In ancient China, the purpose of going to school and studying was to prepare for becoming saints and sages, not to pave the way for fame or making a profit.

Di Zi Gui, in English, means standards for being a good student and child. It is the guide to a happy life. For thousand of years, this book contains the recommended standards for students. Even though they seem stringent by today’s standards, it is apparent that the people of that time felt it was important that the child should be well-disciplined and taught moral principles and virtues when still very young. They felt that without strict discipline and moral standards, a child would amount to noting. Not knowing what it meant to be dutiful to parents and respectful to teaches, a child would grow up not listening to or respecting anyone. Ironically today many parents listen to the child instead of the other way around. Additionally, teachers are afraid to teach and discipline children because they are fearful of violating the children’s legal rights and being sued by the parents.

Currently, we live in a tumultuous world where the relationship among people, between people and their environment, parents and children, husbands and wives, and employes and employees are disintegrating. Parents do not act like parents. Children do not act like children. Our minds and polluted and our family system is disintegrating,as evidenced by an ever-increasing divorce rate. Soon the planet Earth will no longer be  fit for us to live on. We are fearful for our future and the futures of our children. 

My big family.

I graw up in a large family, but we didn’t argue (occasionally) and we all respect each other. Sometimes he’s got the wrong person, outside looked at it very unaccustomed to, for the reason, such a small house, that there were so many people in it. What kind of life. I don’t think I can get used to it! The next time, my friend came to my house and heard a fight just ast me, why the quarrel. Every day they seem to be quarrelling. Frankly I didn’t understand it until I was born, but it was certainly the same thing that they quarrelled or talking about. Sometimes they like to eat with their hands most when their eat. So you can try to eat with your hands and feel different. All of us have a belief that we don’t want to give up who, in any case.,don’t Every festival holiday will return to the country, but will never forget to return home. The granfathers were old, but the grandfather once said that our family was small and as soon as I entered the gate, I recognized him as my son, I have another big house, but I can’t. The other one is China 

I will not be willing to be where I live M alaysia 

Welcome to Malaysia. 

Treasure all the people around you. 

The big day has come to (this is the Chinese traditional day) They complain that the fruit is being homogenised just like the insipid tomatoes bred to look pretty behind cellphone on supermarket shelves. Every aunt, sister is not the same it’s really exciting. Me! Pick 2suit pant’s. I don’t buy anything else because I don’t want to cooking. I remember that whenever I was at this time, my mother must have asked me to accompany her pick up some clothes for grandma. I remember talking to my mother.Mom:come on ,mom hurry up, Mom you see there clothes suit your mother, My mother hit me in the first place. Don’t honor your grandma and other with a smile. After the stermother? It doesn’t matter as long as it’s your kid. I immediately hit my mouth. My mother and I say ‘mom you must live to be a little over one. But in the past few years my mother,not to ask me to accompany Her to pick the dress to give grandma. I a person to pick clothes, for Mother(this time is our Chinese traditional festival, is a memorial to the living day) each take a stand when I look at clothes, have a good heart is very want to ask, mom you? A did you get the clothes I bought there. But there questions will never be heard. You can only watch the stars at night! Mom, i love you! Mom !l love you! Mom l miss you very much! 


  • 今日社會,無論中外,都遭受到一股物慾洪流的衝擊,人在高度科學發明與物質享受中迷失了自己,家庭倫理,道德觀念根本地被動搖了。於是國際間有毀滅人類的核子武器大兢賽,有似厲鬼,如野獸的披頭,嬉皮,有貪官污吏,有姦殺搶奪。人人爭名奪利,個個昏頭脹腦,人們不知道自己在何處,不知道自己在做些什麼,表面上豪飲狂歡,內心卻空虛苦悶。於是夜闌人靜的時候,理智稍為清醒的時候,有些人會懷疑地自問”人生是為何而來?生命的價值是什么?生活的目地又在那裡呢?”更有些人會對社會秩序的癱瘓,道德的破產,人性的墮落而感到憂心如焚。只有透過人類理性覺醒,才能夠重整道德,重建秩序,人類末來才有幸福的曙光。我確信三千年前釋迦牟尼的遺教,對於今日的世道人心,正有補偏救弊,對症下藥之效。佛法的廣大無邊,平等圓融,通上徼下是最有用的。它提出的藥方是:人人要平心靜慮,快樂不在外界,幸福在自我心中,唯有透過靜思熟慮,少欲知足,捨巳為人,自己才能快樂,一切苦惱才會熄滅。不是嗎?先要風平浪靜,水波方才不興,水波不起就明澄如鏡,能夠映照山光樹影,看清自己的(本來面目)。如此才能從迷失中找回了自己。青山本不老,為雪白頭,綠水原無憂,因風皺面。人本來就是自由自在,無憂無愁的,那來的煩惱?那來的苦悶呢?為的是(雪)為的是(風)!然而,雪融而無痕,雪在那兒?風吹而無影,風在何處?人卻偏偏作繭自縛,自尋煩惱,是可笑呢?還是可悲?釋迦牟尼,來到人間的第一句話就說:(天上天下,唯我獨尊)這裡要注意的是:唯我獨尊)的<我>字,並不是單指的是衪本身,而是指的全體人類的每—個人。人在宇宙中是頂天立地的,每—個人都是自己的主宰,決定著自己的命運,而不必聽命於任何人或仼何超乎人的神。人的覺悟,成就及造詣,完全功於自己的努力與才智。沒有一個人可以提拔我上天堂,也沒有一個人可以把我推入地獄。只有腳踏實地俢心養性,才能使自己的人格淨化昇華,使自己享受到心安理得。願快樂,惜福!



